Elizabeth Warren

Israel Could Evict Over 70 Palestinians From a Contested Eastern ...

Pluralism / May 10, 2021 - Source: com

Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders are among the American lawmakers condemning the potential move, w

Elizabeth Warren's brother dies from coronavirus

Pluralism / Apr 23, 2020 - Source: politico


(Video): Elizabeth Warren ends 2020 presidential campaign

Pluralism / Mar 05, 2020

(Video): Senator Elizabeth Warren on How She'd Beat Trump

Pluralism / Mar 03, 2020

Bernie Sanders's Elizabeth Warren problem

Pluralism / Mar 02, 2020 - Source: washingtonpost

With Joe Biden getting a boost from Pete Buttigieg's and Amy Klobuchar's exits, the question now turns to Elizabeth War

Elizabeth Warren Is Suddenly Fighting Back In Her 2020 Campaign

Pluralism / Feb 26, 2020 - Source: buzzfeednews

Warren is attacking Bloomberg, accepting help from a super PAC, and having more fun.

(Video): Elizabeth Warren fires back at Bernie Sanders' denial about women candidates

Pluralism / Jan 15, 2020

(Video): Elizabeth Warren: Where Trump is right now is a nightmare

Pluralism / Sep 05, 2019

(Video): Elizabeth Warren to Bullock: We don't play into Trump's hands

Pluralism / Jul 31, 2019

It's Cory Booker's moment (if he can seize it)

Pluralism / Jun 26, 2019 - Source: cnn

And because most of the front-running pack are in Thursday night's debate, Booker will have a prime spot on the debate stag
